祝贺课题组博士田鑫的论文Evaluation of a hierarchically-structured CuO@TiO2-Al2O3 oxygen carrier for chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling(具备核-壳结构的CuO@TiO2-Al2O3氧载体用于化学链氧解耦燃烧过程的性能研究)发表于国际能源领域知名期刊Fuel(IF:4.6)。赵海波老师为通讯作者,田鑫为第一作者。
本文研究内容是对课题组博后徐祖伟之前发表于Combustion and Flame研究工作的延续:徐祖伟博士首次提出制备这种核-壳结构氧载体的方法,并在TGA和小型流化床上初步测试了该氧载体的释氧以及与气体燃料的化学链燃烧反应性能,证明了它相对于文献中制备的氧载体的优越性;本文进一步在批次流化床上研究了这种核-壳结构氧载体与GP无烟煤的长周期循环氧化还原反应性能。得益于纳米TiO2颗粒的阻隔作用,CuO与Al2O3之间的化合作用(会产生CuAl2O4尖晶石相,降低氧载体释氧性能)大大削弱,使得制备的氧载体具备优良的物理和化学反应性能,TMA(热机械分析)测试结果为这种氧载体良好的抗烧结能力给出了直接的佐证。本研究得到了国家重点研发计划(2016YFB0600801)和国家自然科学基金(51522603)的资助。
[1] Haibo Zhao*, Yongliang Zhang, Yijie Wei, Jinfa Gui. Understanding CuO-support interaction in Cu-based oxygen carriers at a microcosmic level. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36(3): 3381–3388.
[2] Weiwei Peng, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. High-Performance of SATS-Derived CaO/TiO2–Al2O3 Sorbent for CO2 Capture in Batch Fluidized Bed. Fuel, 2016, 170:226-234.
[3] Jinxing Wang, Haibo Zhao*. Evaluation of CaO-decorated Fe2O3/Al2O3 as an oxygen carrier for in-situ gasification chemical looping combustion of plastic wastes. Fuel, 2016, 165:235-243.
[4] Lei Guo, Haibo Zhao* , Kun Wang ,Daofeng Mei, Zhaojun Ma, Chuguang Zheng. Reduction kinetics analysis of sol–gel-derived CuO/CuAl2O4, oxygen carrier for chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 123(1):745-756.
[5] Yongliang Zhang, Xixian Zou, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. A clean coal utilization technology based on coal pyrolysis and chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling: principle and experimental validation. Energy, 2016, 98: 181–189.
[6] Baowen Wang, Weishu Wang, Qiang Ma, Jun Lu, Haibo Zhao, Chuguang Zheng. In-depth investigation of chemical looping combustion of a Chinese bituminous coal with CuFe2O4 combined oxygen carrier. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30, 2285−2294.
[7] Haibo Zhao*, Lei Guo, XixianZou. Chemical-looping auto-thermal reforming of biomass using Cu-based oxygen carrier. Applied Energy, 2015, 157: 408-415.
[8] Jinxing Wang, Haibo Zhao*. Chemical Looping Dechlorination through Decorated Fe2O3/Al2O3 Oxygen Carrier. Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162: 3503-3515.
[9] Zuwei Xu, Zhao, Haibo Zhao*, Yijie Wei,Chuguang Zheng . Self-assembly template combustion synthesis of a core-shell CuO@TiO2-Al2O3 hierarchical structure as an oxygen carrier for the chemical-looping processes. Combustion and Flame, 162(8): 3030-3045.
[10] Weiwei Peng, Zuwei Xu, Cong Luo, Zhao, Haibo Zhao*. Tailor-Made Core-Shell CaO/TiO2-Al2O3 Architecture as a High-Capacity and Long-Life CO2 Sorbent. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(13): 8237-8245.
[11] Daofeng Mei, Alberto Abad, Haibo Zhao*, Juan Adánez. Characterization of a Sol-gel Derived CuO/CuAl2O4 Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) of Gaseous Fuels: Relevance of Gas-Solid and Oxygen Uncoupling Reactions. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 133: 210-219.
[12] Yongliang Zhang, Haibo Zhao*, Lei Guo, Chuguang Zheng. Decomposition mechanism of Cu-based oxygen carriers for chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling based on density functional theory calculation. Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162: 1265-1274.
[13] Daofeng Mei, Haibo Zhao*, Zhaojun Ma, Chuguang Zheng. Using sol-gel derived CuO/CuAl2O4 oxygen carrier in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling for three typical coals. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27 (5): 2723–2731
[14] Daofeng Mei, Haibo Zhao*, Zhaojun Ma, Weijin Yang, Yanfei Fang, Chuguang Zheng. Oxygen release kinetics and mechanism study of Cu-, Co-, Mn- based oxygen carrier. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2013, 41(2): 235-242
[15] Baowen Wang, Haibo Zhao, Ying Zheng, Zhaohui Liu, Rong Yan, Chuguang Zheng. Chemical looping combustion of petroleum coke with CuFe2O4 as oxygen carrier. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2013, 36(9): 1488-1495
[16] Baowen Wang, Haibo Zhao, Ying Zheng, Zhaohui Liu, Rong Yan, Chuguang Zheng. Chemical looping combustion of a Chinese anthracite with Fe2O3-based and CuO-based oxygen carriers. Fuel Processing Technology, 2012, 96(1):104-115
[17] Baowen Wang, Rong Yan, Ying Zheng, Haibo Zhao, and Chuguang Zheng. Mechanistic investigation of chemical looping combustion of coal with Fe2O3 oxygen carrier. Fuel, 2011, 90(7): 2359-2366.
[18] Baowen Wang, Rong Yan, Haibo Zhao, Ying Zheng, Chuguang Zheng. Investigation of chemical looping combustion of coal with CuFe2O4 oxygen carrier. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 2011, 25 (7), 3344–3354
[19] Haibo Zhao*, Liming Liu, Baowen Wang, Di Xu, Linlin Jiang, Chuguang Zheng. Sol-Gel-Derived NiO/NiAl2O4 Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion by Coal Char. Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22(2): 898-905
[20] Haibo Zhao*, Liming Liu, Di Xu, Chuguang Zheng, Guojun Liu, Linlin Jiang. NiO/NiAl2O4 oxygen carriers prepared by sol-gel for chemical looping combustion fueled by gas. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2008, 36(3): 261-266

