赵海波,1977年8月生,湖南宁乡人,现任华中科技大学煤燃烧与低碳利用全国重点实验室二级教授、博士生导师。国家杰出青年基金获得者(2020)、国家优秀青年基金获得者(2015)、中组部万人计划青年拔尖人才(2014)、教育部长江学者奖励计划“青年学者”(2016)、教育部新世纪优秀人才(2009)、洪堡学者(2008)、霍英东基金(2007)、国际燃烧学会会士(2023)。先后于1999年、2002年、2007年获得华中科技大学热能工程专业工学学士、硕士及博士学位,2008-2009年受洪堡基金委资助在德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学进行博士后研究,2009年11月破格聘为华中科技大学教授。长期从事化石能源低碳燃烧和高值化利用(化学链燃烧/气化/重整/脱氢/制氧/制氢等)、燃烧合成功能纳米颗粒等方面的理论、实验和模拟研究。研究工作先后获得国际燃烧学会杰出论文奖(通讯作者)、国际化学链会议最佳论文奖(通讯作者)、湖北省自然科学一等奖(排名第一)、教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第三)、全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖、湖北省优秀硕士和优秀博士论文奖等奖励。至2024年,以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI国际期刊论文300余篇(其中中科院一区论文200余篇),在科学出版社出版第一作者专著3部、授权中美发明专利25项、牵头国标一项。论文被SCI他引用8000余次,入选美国斯坦福大学和爱思唯尔数据库发布《全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单2024》的“终身科学影响力榜单”。是Energy & Fuels、Engineering、Applied Sciences、燃烧科学与技术、中国测试等学术期刊编委等,担任第一届中国化学链会议共同大会主席、是International Conference on Chemical Looping等多个国际会议程序委员会/科学委员会成员,工程热物理学会燃烧专委会和多相流专委会委员,在国际学术会议进行30余次邀请报告,与美、德、英、澳等国30余位国际同行开展了实质性合作研究。主持了包括自然科学基金杰出青年基金、重点国际合作项目、重大项目课题,科技部重点研发专项中美国际合作项目、重点研发专项课题,广东能源集团重大科技项目、三峡集团长江生态环保公司重大科技项目等。
1999年、2002年、2007年在华中科技大学热能工程专业分别获得工学学士、工学硕士和工学博士学位; 2006年11月破格聘为副教授,2009年6月聘为首批副教授博士生导师,2009年11月破格聘为教授;2008年3月至2009年5月得到德国亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会(Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation)资助以洪堡学者(Research fellow)身份在杜伊斯堡-埃森大学(University Duisburg-Essen)进行研究,2009年7月至2009年9月在洪堡基金会和德国研究基金会(DFG)的联合资助下在University Duisburg-Essen以访问教授身份进行合作研究,2010年8月至9月在教育部2010年度DAAD/DFG中德学者短期合作交流项目的资助下在University Duisburg-Essen进行合作研究,2014年7月至8月在澳大利亚ASTE-JCG资助下在莫纳什大学以高级访问教授身份进行合作研究,2015年9月至10月在NSF-NSFC联合资助下访问北卡罗来纳州立大学和西弗吉尼亚大学。
1) 化石能源低碳利用和零碳能源负碳利用(化学链燃烧/气化/重整/制氢/烷烃脱氢/制氧/制氨/储能,直接空气捕集/原位转化、催化燃烧等)
2) 功能纳米颗粒火焰合成和调控(燃烧诊断、颗粒动力学、火焰动力学等)
3) 燃烧源细颗粒物控制(颗粒物生成、生长和演变,高效除尘器,气溶胶干/湿沉降等)
4) 环境热经济学(复杂能量转换系统的技术经济评价、热力学分析、稳态动态模拟)
5) 多能互补与智慧协同(可再生能源光催化分解水制氢、CO2催化转化和高值利用、稀有气体传感器等)
6) 多相流模型与模拟(离散系统动力学演变过程的颗粒群平衡模拟、气固两相流的格子Boltzmann-格子气介观模拟等)
1. 教育部,碳捕集利用重大科研装置项目,2024/09-2026/09,15760万元,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金项目,52025063,化石能源的低碳燃烧和利用,2021.01~2025.12,400万元,在研,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目,51920105009,纳米颗粒高温均相成核的速率测量和模型参数辨识,2020/01-2024/12,246万元,在研,主持
4. 国家重点研发专项政府间国际科技创新合作项目,2022YFE0135500,生物质/塑料混合原料化学链气化制合成气的关键科学问题研究,2023/01-2024/12,400万元,在研,主持
5. 长江生态环保集团有限公司横向项目,生活垃圾化学链燃烧处置关键技术研发及中试示范,HBZB2022001,615.212923万元,2022/01-2025/07,在研,主持
6. 广东能源集团横向,面向双碳目标的火电行业碳排放特征分析及转型发展研究,114万元,2022/12-2024/12,在研
7. 广东能源集团横向,兆瓦级天然气化学链燃烧源头碳捕集示范装置工艺设计包开发,442万元,2023,已结题,主持
8. 广东能源集团横向,天然气化学链燃烧高效氧载体和自热反应器关键技术研发与兆瓦级工程示范. 总共3750万元,2024-2025,在研,主持
9. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题,51396094,气固湍流燃烧多尺度耦合模拟与设计方法,2014/01-2018/12,242万元,已结题,主持
10. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,51522603,煤的化学链燃烧,2016/01-2018/12,150万元,已结题,主持
11. 中组部“万人计划”青年拔尖人才支持项目,组厅字[2015]48号,燃煤CO2化学链富集,2016/01-2018/12,170万元,已结题,主持
12. 国家重点专项课题,2016YFB0600801,复杂多孔结构表界面反应与传递机理,2016/07-2020/12,590万元,已结题,主持
13. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51276077,燃烧产生自由分子区纳米颗粒的团聚-烧结核模型研究,2013/01-2016/12,80万元,已结题,主持
14. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,50876037,格子Boltzmann-格子气-直接模拟Monte Carlo的四向耦合介观模型,2009/01-2011/12,30万元,已结题,主持
15. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,20606015,颗粒尺度分布时间和空间演变过程的Monte Carlo描述,2007/01-2009/12,25万元,已结题,主持
16. 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目,51561125001,基于载氧体解耦的煤化学链燃烧多尺度基础研究,2015/01-2018/12,256万元,已结题,参与
17. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目子课题,2010CB227004-02,撞击流气流床的介观,宏观模拟与撞击区流动测量,2010/01-2014/12,180万元,已结题,主持
18. 教育部留学回国基金,多维多变量颗粒群平衡模拟的Monte Carlo方法,2010/01-2012/12,3万元,已完成,主持
19. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,NECT-10-0395,燃烧产生微米纳米颗粒过程的多维多变量颗粒群平衡模拟及实验研究,2010/01-2012/12,50万元,已完成,主持
20. 霍英东教育基金会优选资助课题,114017,复杂多相流动与化学反应体系的基础研究,2007/07-2010/07,1.6万美元,已结题,主持
1. 赵海波*, 郑楚光. 离散系统动力学演变过程的颗粒群平衡模拟. 北京:科学出版社, 2008
2. 赵海波. 纤维捕集细颗粒物的数值模拟. 北京: 科学出版社, 2019.3(ISBN 978-7-03-060732-4)
3. 赵海波*, 郑楚光,金波,张超,熊杰. 燃煤系统过程模拟与热经济学分析评价. 北京: 科学出版社,2020
[1] Cheng Shang, Song He, Zuwei Xu, Frank Einar Kruis, Haibo Zhao*. Spatiotemporal analysis of aerosol dynamics in bismuth nucleation using multivariate Monte Carlo simulation. Chemical Engineering Science, 2025, 302: 120833
[2] Yanan Wang*, Jiawei Zhou, Jun Hu, Haibo Zhao*. Comprehensive performance investigation of inexpensive oxygen carrier in chemical looping gasification of coal. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2025, 118: 101899
[3] Guangsheng Zou, Xin Wu, Ying Li, Wenxu Zhai, Xue Zhang, Rongchao Li, Haibo Zhao*. Continuous chemical looping combustion of CH4 in a parallel dual fixed-bed reactor using industrial-scaled, cement-bonded, hydroforming-derived, copper/iron composite oxygen carrier. Fuel, 2024, in press
[1] Song He, Cheng Shang, Hao Lu, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Large eddy simulation-bivariate sectional model for non-spherical TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis in flame. Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 285: 119592
[2] Song He, Zhijing Su, Cheng Shang, Hao Lu, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Two-step simulation combining large eddy simulation and population balance Monte Carlo for nanoparticle synthesis in flame spray pyrolysis. AIChE Journal, 2024, e18498
[3] Zuwei Xu, Ze Zhang, Fuchang Gao, Yunhan Zhu, Haibo Zhao*. Flame made low Pt loading catalysts supported on different metal oxides for catalytic combustion of CO and CH4. Energy Materials, 2024, 4: 400076
[4] Chenyang Shen, Menghui Liu, Song He, Haibo Zhao*, Changjun Liu*. Advances in the studies of the supported ruthenium catalysts for CO2 methanation. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2024, 63: 1-15
[5] Jinchen Ma, Haodong Huang, Chaohe Zheng, Zhanggen Huang, Jingjing Ma, Guorong Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Identification of HCl corrosion mechanism on Cu-based oxygen carriers in chemical looping combustion. Fuel, 2024, 359: 130373
[6] Panlei Wang, Hengfeng Bu, Xianyu Liu, Ying Li, Chaohe Zheng, Jinchen Ma*, Haibo Zhao*. Inexpensive composite copper ore/red mud oxygen carrier: industrial granulation via hydroforming and multiple-cycle evaluation in chemical looping combustion. Fuel, 2024, 365: 131271
[7] Xi Chen, Haibo Zhao*. A phenomenological design method of the parallel packed bed reactors for chemical looping combustion of gas fuels. Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 292: 119988
[8] Xianyu Liu, Hengfeng Bu, Guangsheng Zou, Xin Wu, Chaohe Zheng, Jinchen Ma*, Haibo Zhao*. Industrial-scale preparation of bi-ore oxygen carriers for chemical looping combustion via a hydroforming method. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38(7): 6156–6170
[9] Kai Xiong, Cao Kuang, Qiang Tang, Wenzhi Wang, Xiangbo Zou, Chuangting Chen, Hui Huang, Chaohe Zheng*, Yunchang Dong, Jie Cheng, Haibo Zhao*. Long-Term Performance of Composite Cu-Fe Ore Oxygen Carrier by Extrusion-Spheronization in Chemical Looping Combustion. Fuel, 2024, 373: 132260
[10] Xin Tian, Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*. Kinetics Investigation of Copper Ore Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion. Fire, 2024, 7: 245
[11] Xi Chen, Rongchao Li, Ye Tao, Yongqi Tong, Ao LI, Haibo Zhao*. Engineering Design and Numerical Design for Chemical Looping Combustion Reactor: A Review. Energy Reviews, 2024, 3: 100100
[12] Rongchao Li, Xi Chen*, Haibo Zhao*. Dynamic modeling of Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion in Packed Bed Reactor. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38(14): 13131−13139
[13] Ze Zhang, Zuwei Xu*, Fei Xie, Xiangbo Zou, Haibo Zhao*. Preferential oxidation of CO in H2-rich gas via chemical looping combustion with Ce-doped CuO oxygen carriers. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40: 105572
[14] Ying Li, Chaohe Zheng*, Lixin Qiu, Weibin Lai, Haibo Zhao*. Utilizing selective hydrogen combustion catalyst for efficient and highly-selective ethane dehydrogenation. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40: 105486
[15] Xianyu Liu, Zhenshan Li, Laihong Shen, Jinchen Ma, Xinhe Liu, Diwen He, Haibo Zhao*. Quantitative evaluation of four oxygen carriers for natural gas chemical looping combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40: 105641
[16] Xin Wu, Xianyu Liu, Guangsheng Zou, Jinchen Ma*, Cao Kuang, Haibo Zhao*. Design a Novel Ca-Mn Perovskite Oxygen Carrier with Balanced Performance in Chemical Looping Combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40: 105645
[17] Lecan Huang, Jinchen Ma*, Fan Wang, Guorong Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Design of alkali metal oxide adsorbent for direct air capture: Identification of physicochemical adsorption and analysis of regeneration mechanism. Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 2024, 13: 100268
[18] Chaohe Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. Mechanism study on quantification of sulfurization effect on methane decomposition with CuO oxygen carrier. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 497: 154856
[19] Panlei Wang, Chaohe Zheng, Ying Li, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Exploring the regulation mechanism of Ca/Fe-based oxygen carrier in biomass chemical looping gasification. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 498: 155488
[20] Xi Chen, Haibo Zhao*. A self-consistent design method of the autothermal dual circulating fluidized bed reactor for in-situ gasification chemical looping combustion of coal. Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 2024, 13: 100292
[21] Ye Tao, Xi Chen*, Haibo Zhao*. Order-reduced Simulation and Operational Regulation of a 10 MWth Autothermal Reactor for CH4-fueled Chemical Looping Combustion. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 499: 156314
[22] Xi Chen, Haibo Zhao*. Numerical design in a two-step joint design process of parallel packed bed reactors for CLC of MSW-generated syngas. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 499: 156463
[23] Jinchen Ma, Yingjie Mi, Fan Wang, Chaohe Zheng, Haodong Huang, Haibo Zhao*. Ca- and Ba-decorated CuO oxygen carriers for in-situ dechlorination in chemical looping combustion. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38(19): 18898−18908
[24] Chaohe Zheng, Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*. First principles–based multiscale kinetics of CuO oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38(22): 22459−22470
[25] Haibo Zhao*. 2024 Pioneers in Energy Research: Juan Adánez. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38(21): 21666−21671
[1] Xing Yuan, Chaohe Zheng, Tiantian Zhang, Liangbin Li, Qinghua Yang, Haibo Zhao*. Sodium doped SrTi1-xBxO3 (B=Mn, Co) for formaldehyde catalytic oxidation: flame spray pyrolysis fabrication and reaction mechanism elaboration. 2023, Fuel Processing Technology, 247: 107763
[2] Cheng Shang, Zhijing Su, Song He, Zuwei Xu*, Frank Einar Kruis, Haibo Zhao*. An efficient method for spatiotemporally resolved aerosol flow modeling: Discrete migration and GPU acceleration. AIChE Journal, 2023, e18123
[3] Xing Yuan, Chaohe Zheng, Zuwei Xu, Qinghua Yang, Tiantian Zhang, Xi Luo, Haibo Zhao*. The synergic removal mechanism for photothermocatalytic Toluene over single-atom Pt/TiO2 catalysts via flame spray pyrolysis. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39: 5637-5645
[4] Cheng Shang, Song He, Zuwei Xu*, Frank Einar Kruis, Haibo Zhao*. Multivariate Monte Carlo simulation of spatiotemporally resolved nucleation from bismuth vapor. Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 286: 119678
[5] Chaohe Zheng, Chuanbao Zheng, Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*. The competition/inhibition effect of H2O/CO2-char gasification in typical in situ gasification-chemical looping combustion (iG-CLC) conditions via particle-resolved simulation. Fuel, 2023, 333: 126316
[6] Chaohe Zheng, Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*. The intrinsic kinetic study on oxidation of a Cu-based oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion. Fuel, 2023, 334: 126720
[7] Xinti Chen, Guangsheng Zou, Yanliang Yuan, Zuwei Xu*, Haibo Zhao*. Flame Spray Pyrolysis Synthesized Ni-doped Fe/Ce Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Dry Reforming of Methane. Fuel, 2023, 343: 127913
[8] Xinti Chen, Xin Tian, Chaohe Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. CrOx/Ce1-xZrxO2 for chemical looping propane oxidative dehydrogenation: The redox interaction between CrOx and the support. Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 274: 118697
[9] Haodong Huang, Jinchen Ma*, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Behavior of coal-chlorine in chemical looping combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39: 4437-4446
[10] Chaohe Zheng, Jinchen Ma, Qinghua Yang, Tiantian Zhang, Xi Luo, Haibo Zhao*. Microscopic insight into the catalytic HCN-removal over CuO surface in chemical looping combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39(4): 4457-4466
[11] Jinchen Ma, Xue Zhang, Peng Peng, Xin Tian, Mengshuang Li, Zuwei Xu*, Haibo Zhao *. Converting ethane to syngas via chemical looping dry reforming with LaFeO3 perovskite oxygen carrier. Fuel Processing Technology, 2023, 247: 107806
[12] Xin Wu, Yunchang Dong, Jinchen Ma, Fengfeng Bu, Zhao Su, Laihong Shen, Haibo Zhao*. Industrial-scaled Cu-Fe Composite Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion through Extrusion-Spheronization. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 477: 146620
[13] Ying Li, Yanan Wang, Kunlei Liu, Haibo Zhao⁎. The Reduction Kinetics of Low-Cost Cu/Fe-based Oxygen Carrier in Chemical Looping Mode. Energy & Fuels, 2023, 37(21): 16716–16728
[14] Bo Jin*, Kerun Wei, Tong Ouyang, Yihan Fan, Haibo Zhao*, Haiyan Zhang, Zhiwu Liang*. Chemical looping CO2 capture and in-situ conversion: Fundamentals, process configurations, bifunctional materials, and reaction mechanisms. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 16 (2023) 100218
[15] Tingting Xu, Xun Wang*, Haibo Zhao, Bo Xiao, Dong Liu, Wen Liu*. Modulating lattice oxygen activity of Ca2Fe2O5 brownmillerite for the co-production of syngas and high purity hydrogen via chemical looping steam reforming of toluene. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 320 (2023) 122010
[16] Zhenwu Miao, Laihong Shen*, Haibo Zhao. Cycling performance of composite hematite and copper ore oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion. Chemical Engineering Journal 452 (2023) 139224
[17] Jianlong Wan, Ziyi Su, Yan Ding, Qinghua Zeng, Pengfu Xie, Haibo Zhao. Hydrogen-enriched flames in a novel miniature double-layer disc-combustor with annular step and Swiss-roll preheated channel. Combustion and Flame 251 (2023) 112717
[18] Haibo Zhao*, Ying Li, Jinchen Ma, Xi Chen, Xianyu Liu, LuLu Li. Advantages, Disadvantages, Opportunities and Challenges of Chemical Looping Combustion. International CCUS Conference 2023 (ICCUSC 2023). 14th-15th April, 2023, Beijing, China
[19] Haibo Zhao*, Ying Li, Jinchen Ma, Xi Chen, Xianyu Liu, LuLu Li. Advantages, Disadvantages, Opportunities and Challenges of Chemical Looping Combustion. Energy Proceedings, 2023, 35
[20] Zuwei Xu, Zhouhe Long, Ze Zhang, Haibo Zhao*. Flame Spray Pyrolysis Synthesis of Pt-decorated CuO Nanoparticles as Oxygen Carriers for Low Temperature Chemical Looping Combustion. The 10th International Symposium on Coal Combustion (10th ISCC), Taiyuan, China, August 06-09, 2023
[1] 尚诚, Gregor Kotalczyk, 赵海波*, 徐祖伟, Frank Einar Kruis. 高温物理气相合成Ag纳米颗粒的Monte Carlo-GPU并行模拟. 工程热物理学报, 2022, 43(4): 982-988
[2] Chaohe Zheng, Haibo Zhao*, Haokai Huang, Kun Wang, Haoming Wang. Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Non-Steady-State Particulate Matter Filtration Process in Woven Fiber. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12: 9219.
[3] Xin Tian, Chaohe Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. Ce-modified SrFeO3-δ for ethane oxidative dehydrogenation coupled with CO2 splitting via a chemical looping scheme. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 303: 120894
[4] Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*, Xiaoyu Wang. Multi-scale kinetic study of the oxygen uncoupling of CuO oxygen carrier in chemical looping. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433: 133784.
[5] Jinchen Ma, Han Du, Haibo Zhao*. Investigation on iron ore for the oxygen carrier aided combustion. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 230: 107214
[6] 李梦双, 彭鹏, 田鑫, 赵海波*。LaFeO3氧载体在乙烷化学链干重整中的性能评估. 燃烧科学与技术,2022, 28(1): 70-77
[7] 程杰, 董云昌, 卜恒丰, 赵海波*. 挤出滚圆法规模制备复合矿石氧载体及长周期反应性能研究. 工程热物理学报, 2022, 43(8): 2072-2079
[8] 翟文旭, 苏钊, 张田田, 罗希, 卜恒丰, 赵海波*. 喷雾干燥规模制备复合铜铁矿石氧载体及其性能评价. 工程热物理学报, 2022, 43(8): 2090-2097
[9] Lulu Li, Yanan Wang, Hengfeng Bu, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao. Semi-continuous operation of chemical-looping combustion of coal using a low-cost composite oxygen carrier. Energy & Fuels, 2022, 36(17): 9450–9459
[10] Haibo Zhao. 2022 Pioneers in Energy Research: Anders Lyngfelt. Energy Fuels, 2022, 36(17): 9365–9370.
[11] Tingting Xu, Xun Wang⁎, Bo Xiao, Haibo Zhao, Wen Liu*. Optimisation of syngas production from a novel two-step chemical looping reforming process using Fe-dolomite as oxygen carriers. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 228: 107169.
[1] Jinchen Ma§, Daofeng Mei§, Chaoquan Wang, Xin Tian, Zhaohui Liu, Haibo Zhao*. Sulfur fate during in-situ Gasification Chemical Looping Combustion (iG-CLC) of coal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 406: 126773
[2] Zhicheng Chen, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Flame spray pyrolysis synthesis and H2S sensing properties of CuO-doped SnO2 nanoparticles. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(4): 6743-6751
[3] Fuchang Gao, Zuwei Xu*, Haibo Zhao*. Flame spray pyrolysis made Pt/TiO2 photocatalysts with ultralow platinum loading and high hydrogen production activity. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(4): 6503-6511
[4] Chaohe Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. Interaction mechanism among CO, H2S and CuO oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion: A density functional theory calculation study. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(4): 5281-5288
[5] Xin Yuan, Menglei Qing, Lingquan Meng, Haibo Zhao*. One-step synthesis of nanostructured Cu-Mn/TiO2 via flame spray pyrolysis: application to catalytic combustion of CO and CH4. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34 (11), 14447-14457
[6] Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*. A modified intrinsic model for conversion rate of coal char particle in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling conditions. Fuel, 2021, 288: 119615
[7] Jianlong Wan*, Haibo Zhao*. Ultra-rich fuel dynamics of a holder-stabilized premixed flame in a preheated mesoscale combustor. Energy, 2021, 214: 118960
[8] Chuanbao Zheng§, Mingze Su§, Haibo Zhao*. Identifying the contribution of rich-CO2/H2O gasification on the char conversion in typical atmospheres of chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling via single particle simulation. Combustion and Flame, 2021, 229, 111397
[9] Haibo Zhao*, Hongguang Jin, Laihong Shen, Zhenshan Li. Virtual Special Issue of Recent Research Advances in China: Chemical Looping. Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(1): 3-6
[10] Chaohe Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. The microscopic oxidation mechanism of NH3 on CuO(111): a first-prinsicles study. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 213: 106712
[11] Jinchen Ma, Xin Tian, Chaoquan Wang, Haibo Zhao*, Zhaohui Liu, Chuguang Zheng. Fate of Fuel-nitrogen during in situ Gasification Chemical Looping Combustion of Coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 215: 106710
[12] Jinchen Ma, Xin Tian, Bo Zhao, Xiaoshan Li, Yongchun Zhao, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Behavior of mercury in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling of coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 216: 106747
[13] Yunchang Dong, Yanan Wang, Jinchen Ma, Hengfeng Bu, Chuanbao Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. Binary-ore oxygen carriers prepared by extrusion-spheronization method for chemical looping combustion of coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 221: 106921
[14] Xin Tian, Chaohe Zheng, Fanxing Li*. Haibo Zhao*. Co and Mo co-doped Fe2O3 for Selective Ethylene Production via Chemical Looping Oxidative Dehydrogenation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(23): 8002–8011
[15] Yannan Wang, Xin Tian, Haibo Zhao*, Kunlei Liu, Yunchang Dong, Zhao Su, Chuguang Zheng. Synergetic effects of cement bonded fine copper ore and red mud as oxygen carriers during in-situ gasification chemical looping combustion of coal char. Fuel, 2021, 303: 121295
[16] Xiaoyu Wang, Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*. Process design and exergy analysis of the chemical looping ammonia generation system using AlN/Al2O3 as nitrogen carrier. Energy, 2021, 230: 120767
[1] 赵海波, 郑楚光,金波,张超,熊杰. 燃煤系统过程模拟与热经济学分析评价. 北京: 科学出版社,2020
[2] Lingquan Meng, Haibo Zhao*. Low-temperature complete removal of toluene over highly active nanoparticles CuO-TiO2 synthesized via flame spray pyrolysis. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 264: 118427
[3] Zhuo Xiong, Youzi Li, Liangchen Dong, Zuwei Xu, Junyi Wang, Bengen Gong, Yongchun Zhao*, Haibo Zhao*, Junying Zhang. Incorporating highly dispersed and stable Cu+ into TiO2 lattice for enhanced photocatalytic CO2 reduction with water. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 507: 145095
[4] Jianlong Wan*, Haibo Zhao*. Effect of thermal condition of solid wall on the stabilization of a preheated and holder-stabilized laminar premixed flame. Energy, 2020, 200: 117548
[5] Jianlong Wan, Haibo Zhao*. Effect of conjugate heat exchange of flame holder on laminar premixed flame stabilization in a mesoscale diverging combustor. Energy, 2020, 198: 117294
[6] Jianlong Wan*, Yongjia Wu, Haibo Zhao*. Excess enthalpy combustion of methane-air in a novel micro non-premixed combustor with a flame holder and preheating channels. Fuel, 2020, 271: 117518
[7] Jianlong Wan*, Haibo Zhao*. Experimental study on blow-off limit of a preheated and flame holder-stabilized laminar premixed flame. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 223: 115754
[8] Jianlong Wan*, Haibo Zhao*. Dynamics of a holder-stabilized laminar methane-air premixed flame in a preheated mesoscale combustor at ultra-lean condition. Fuel, 2020, 279: 118473
[9] Jianlong Wan*, Haibo Zhao*. Blow-off mechanisms of a holder-stabilized laminar premixed flame in a preheated mesoscale combustor. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 220: 358-367
[10] Jianlong Wan, Haibo Zhao*, V’yacheslav Akkerman. Anchoring mechanisms of a holder-stabilized laminar premixed flame in a preheated mesoscale combustor. Physics of Fluid, 2020, 32: 097103 (Featured Article)
[11] Jianlong Wan*, Haibo Zhao*. Anomalous blow-off limit of methane-air premixed flame in a micro preheated combustor with a flame holder. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(55): 31202-31212
[12] Haibo Zhao*, Xin Tian, Jinchen Ma, Mingze Su, Baowen Wang, Daofeng Mei. Development of tailor-made oxygen carriers and reactors for chemical looping processes at Huazhong University of Science & Technology. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2020, 93: 102898
[13] Mingze Su, Xin Tian, Haibo Zhao*. Particle-resolved simulation and modeling of the conversion rate of coal char in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 213: 331-342
[14] Xin Tian, Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*. Kinetics of Redox Reactions of CuO@TiO2-Al2O3 for Chemical Looping Combustion and Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 213: 255-267
[15] Chaohe Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. Exploring the microscopic reaction mechanism of H2S and COS with CuO oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion. Fuel Processing Technology, 2020, 205:106431
[16] Yanan Wang, Xin Tian, Haibo Zhao*, Kunlei Liu. The use of a low-cost oxygen carrier prepared from red mud and copper ore for in situ gasification chemical looping combustion of coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 2020, 205: 106460
[17] Chaohe Zheng, Jie Cao, Yongliang Zhang, Haibo Zhao*. Insight into oxidation mechanism of Cu-based oxygen carrier (Cu→Cu2O→CuO) in chemical looping combustion. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34(7): 8718–8725 (Cover paper)
[18] Zhao Su, Yanan Wang, Han Du, Jinchen Ma, Ying Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. Using copper ore and iron ore fine particles as raw materials of oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion of coal: spray drying granulation and performance evaluation. Energy & Fuels, 2020 2020, 34(7): 8587-8599
[19] Haibo Zhao*, Xin Tian, Jinchen Ma, Xi Chen, Mingze Su, Chaohe Zheng, Yanan Wang. Chemical looping combustion of coal in China: Comprehensive progress, remaining challenges, and potential opportunities. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34(6): 6696-6734 (Editor’s Choice)
[20] Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*, Xin Tian. The competition between direct gas-solid reduction and oxygen uncoupling of CuO oxygen carrier in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling: A single particle simulation study. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 221: 219-227
[21] Menglei Qin#, Bo Jin#, Jinchen Ma#, Xixian Zou, Xiaoyu Wang, Chuguang Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. Thermodynamic and economic performance of oxy-combustion power plants integrating chemical looping air separation. Energy, 2020, 206: 118136
[22] Xiaoyu Wang, Haibo Zhao*, Mingze Su. A comparative process simulation study of Ca-Cu looping involving post-combustion CO2 capture. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 28(9):2382-2390
[23] Baowen Wang; Heyu Li, Yanchen Liang; lingling Lv, Daofeng Mei, Ding Ning, Haibo Zhao. Chemical looping combustion characteristics of coal with a novel CaSO4-Ca2CuO3 mixed oxygen carrier. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34(6): 7316–7328
[24] Jianlong Wan*, Haibo Zhao. Flammability limit of methane-air nonpremixed mixture in a micro preheated combustor with a flame holder. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 227: 115914
[25] Jianlong Wan*, Haibo Zhao. Blowout limit of premixed flame in a micro preheated combustor with a flame holder at different blockage ratios. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(46): 25468-25478
[1] Xin Chen, Zuwei Xu*, Fan Yang, Haibo Zhao*. Flame spray pyrolysis synthesized CuO-TiO2 nanoparticles for catalytic combustion of lean CO. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37(4): 5499-5506
[2] Hanqing Zhao, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Population Balance Monte Carlo Simulation of Self-assembly of Core (micro-Al2O3)-shell (nano-TiO2) Structure in Aqueous Suspensions. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 199: 100-112
[3] Mingze Su, Jie Cao, Xin Tian, Yongliang Zhang, Haibo Zhao*. Mechanism and kinetics of Cu2O oxidation in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37(4): 4371-4378
[4] Jinchen Ma, Jinxing Wang, Xin Tian, Haibo Zhao*. In-situ gasification chemical looping combustion of plastic waste in a semi-continuously operated fluidized bed reactor. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37(4): 4389-4397
[5] Jinchen Ma#, Daofeng Mei#, Weiwei Peng#, Xin Tian, Danyan Ren, Haibo Zhao*. On the high performance of a core-shell structured CaO-CuO/MgO@Al2O3 material in calcium looping integrated with chemical looping combustion (CaL-CLC). Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 368: 504-512
[6] Yanan Wang§, Pengjie Niu§, Haibo Zhao*. Chemical looping gasification of coal using calcium ferrites as oxygen carrier. Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 192: 75-86.
[7] Xin Tian, Ryan B. Dudek, Yunfei Gao, Haibo Zhao*, Fanxing Li*. Redox oxidative cracking of n-hexane with Fe-substituted barium hexaaluminates as redox catalysts. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2019, 2019, 9: 2211-2220
[8] Jinchen Ma§, Daofeng Mei§, Xin Tian, Shibo Zhang, Jianping Yang, Chaoquan Wang, Guoping Chen, Yongchun Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. Fate of mercury in volatiles and char during in-situ Gasification Chemical Looping Combustion of Coal. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53: 7887-7892
[9] Xi Chen, Jinchen Ma, Xin Tian, Jianlong Wan, Haibo Zhao*. CPFD Simulation and Optimization of a 50 kWth Dual Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor for Chemical Looping Combustion of Coal. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2019, 90: 102800
[10] Xi Chen, Jinchen Ma, Xin Tian, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Numerical investigation on the improvement of carbon conversion in a dual circulating fluidized bed reactor for chemical looping combustion of coal. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 2019, 33(12): 12801-12813
[11] Ryan B. Dudek, Xin Tian, Millicent Blivin, Luke M. Neal, Haibo Zhao, Fanxing Li*. Perovskite oxides for redox oxidative cracking of n-hexane under a cyclic redox scheme. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 246: 30-40
[12] Mahsa Rajabi, Mehdi Mehrpooya⁎, Zhao Haibo*, Zhen Huang*. Chemical looping technology in CHP (combined heat and power) and CCHP (combined cooling heating and power) systems: A critical review. Applied Energy, 2019: 253: 113544
[13] Baowen Wang, Heyu Li, Wei Wang, Cong Luo, Daofeng Mei, Haibo Zhao. Reaction characteristics investigation of the combined template method-made CaSO4-Mn3O4 mixed oxygen carrier with lignite. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(9): 8954-8966
[1] Jianlong Wan, Haibo Zhao*. Thermal performance of solid walls in a mesoscale combustor with a plate flame holder and preheating channels. Energy, 2018, 157: 448-459
[2] Jianlong Wan, Cheng Shang, Haibo Zhao*. Dynamics of methane/air premixed flame in a mesoscale diverging combustor with/without a cylindrical flame holder. Fuel, 2018, 232: 659-665
[3] Jianlong Wan, Cheng Shang, Haibo Zhao*. Anchoring mechanisms of methane/air premixed flame in a mesoscale diverging combustor with cylindrical flame holder. Fuel, 2018, 232: 591-599
[4] Fan Yang§, Menglei Liu§, Xin Chen, Zuwei Xu*, Haibo Zhao*. Simultaneous Control over Lattice Doping and Nanocluster Modification of a Hybrid CuOx/TiO2 Photocatalyst during Flame Synthesis for Enhancing Hydrogen Evolution. Solar RRL, 2018, 1800215 (Cover Paper )
[5] Jianlong Wan, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Methane/air premixed flame topology structure in a mesoscale combustor with a plate flame holder and preheating channels. Energy, 2018, 165: 802-811
[6] Xin Tian, Yijie Wei, Haibo Zhao*. Using a hierarchically-structured CuO@TiO2-Al2O3 oxygen carrier for chemical looping air separation (CLAS) in a paralleled fluidized bed reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 334: 611-618
[7] Pengjie Niu§, Yuexin Ma§, Xin Tian, Jinchen Ma, Haibo Zhao*. Chemical looping gasification of biomass: Part I. screening Cu-Fe netal oxides as oxygen carrier and optimizing experimental conditions. Biomass & Bioenergy, 2018, 108: 146-156
[8] Xin Tian§, Pengjie Niu§, Yuexin Ma, Haibo Zhao*. Chemical-Looping Gasification of Biomass: Part II. Tar Yields and Distributions. Biomass & Bioenergy, 2018, 108: 178-189
[9] Daofeng Mei, Haibo Zhao*, Shuiping Yan. Kinetic model for the reduction of Fe2O3/Al2O3 and CO in Chemical Looping Combustion. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2018, 124: 137-146
[10] Haibo Zhao*, Jinxing Wang. Chemical-looping combustion of plastic wastes for in situ inhibition of dioxins. Combustion and Flame, 2018, 191: 9-18
[11] Jinchen Maξ, Chaoquan Wangξ, Haibo Zhao*, Xin Tian. Sulfur fate during lignite pyrolysis process in chemical looping combustion environment. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(4): 4493-4501
[12] Hongpeng Xu, Jinchen Ma, Haibo Zhao*. Macroscopic fuel reactor modelling of a 5kWth interconnected fluidized bed for in-situ gasification chemical looping combustion of coal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 348: 978-991
[13] Jinchen Ma, Xin Tian, Chaoquan Wang, Xi Chen, Haibo Zhao*. Performance of a 50 kWth Coal-fuelled Chemical Looping Combustor. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2018, 75: 98-106
[14] Haibo Zhao*, Jinfa Gui, Jie Cao, Xin Chen. Molecular dynamics simulation of the microscopic sintering process of CuO nanograins inside an oxygen carrier particle. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122(44): 25595–25605
[15] Bo Jin, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng, Zhiwu Liang. Control optimization to achieve energy-efficient operation of the air separation unit in oxy-fuel combustion power plants. Energy, 2018, 152: 313-321
[16] Peng Tan, Qingyan Fang*, Sinan Zhao, Chungen Yin, Cheng Zhang, Haibo Zhao, Gang Chen. Causes and mitigation of gas temperature deviation in tangentially fired tower-type boilers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 139: 135–143
[17] Daofeng Mei*, Alberto Abad, Haibo Zhao, Shuiping Yan, Baowen Wang, Qiaoxia Yuan. Extension and evaluation of a macroscopic model for syngas-fueled chemical looping combustion. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2018, 133: 106-116
[1] Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*, Xiaobing Chen, Chun Lou*. Multi-parameter measurements of laminar sooting flames using thermophoretic sampling technique. Combustion and Flame, 2017, 180: 158-166
[2] Zuwei Xu, Hanqing Zhao, Haibo Zhao*. CFD-population balance Monte Carlo simulation and numerical optimization for flame synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36(1): 1099-1108
[3] Zuwei Xu, Xin Tian, Haibo Zhao*. Tailor-making thermocouple junction for flame temperature measurement via dynamic transient method. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36(3): 4443–4451
[4] Haibo Zhao*, Yongliang Zhang, Yijie Wei, Jinfa Gui. Understanding CuO-support interaction in Cu-based oxygen carriers at a microcosmic level. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36(3): 4069–4077
[5] Xin Tian, Kun Wang, Haibo Zhao*, Mingze Su. Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling of high-sulfur coal using copper ore as oxygen carrier. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36(3): 3381–3388
[6] Bo Jin, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng, Zhiwu Liang. Dynamic exergy method for evaluating the control and operation of oxy-combustion boiler island systems. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(1): 725–732
[7] Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*. Modifying the interphase drag via solid volume fraction gradient for CFD simulation of gas-solid flows in fast fluidized beds. AIChE Journal, 2017, 63(7): 2588-2598
[8] Zhuo Xiong, Ze Lei, Zuwei Xu, Xiaoxiang Chen, Bengen Gong, Yongchun Zhao*, Haibo Zhao*, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Flame spray pyrolysis synthesized ZnO/CeO2 nanocomposites for enhanced CO2 photocatalytic reduction under UV-Visible light irradiation. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2017, 18: 53–61
[9] Jianlong Wan, Haibo Zhao*. Dynamics of premixed CH4/air flames in a micro combustor with a plate flame holder and preheating channels. Energy, 2017, 139: 366-379
[10] Mingze Su, Jinchen Ma, Xin Tian, Haibo Zhao*. Reduction Kinetics of Hematite as Oxygen Carrier in Chemical Looping Combustion. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 155: 160-167
[11] Jinchen Ma, Xin Tian, Haibo Zhao*, Sankar Bhattacharya*, Sharmen Rajendran, Chuguang Zheng. Investigation of Two Different Hematite as Oxygen Carrier and Two Low-rank Coals as Fuel in Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC). Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(2): 1896–1903
[12] Xin Tian, Haibo Zhao*, Jinchen Ma. Cement bonded fine hematite and copper ore particles as oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion. Applied Energy, 2017, 204: 242-253
[13] Xin Tian, Yijie Wei, Haibo Zhao*. Evaluation of a SATCS-derived CuO@TiO2-Al2O3 oxygen carrier for chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU). Fuel, 2017, 209: 402-410.
[14] Haokai Huang, Chaohe Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. Numerical investigation on particle loading process of elliptical fibers. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2017, 114: 263-275
[15] Yaming Liu, Shi Liu, Yongxin Feng, Kai Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Uniform-Design-Based Optimization for Fuel Reactor of Chemical Looping Combustion. International Journal of Chemical Engineering Reactor, 2017, 15(6): 20160106
[16] Mingze Su*, Haibo Zhao, Baozhou Du, Pengfei Zhang, Zhigang Liu*. Intrinsic Reduction Kinetics Investigation on a Hematite Oxygen Carrier in Chemical Looping Combustion. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31 (3): 3010–3018
[17] Baowen Wang*, Qiang Ma, Weishu Wang, Chuan Zhang, Daofeng Mei, Haibo Zhao, Chuguang Zheng. Effect of reaction temperature on the chemical looping combustion of coal with CuFe2O4 combined oxygen carrier. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31: 5233−5245
[18] Yuhan Zhu, Zuwei Xu, Kai Yan, Haibo Zhao, Jingdong Zhang. One-step synthesis of CuO-Cu2O heterojunction by flame spray pyrolysis for cathodic photoelectrochemical sensing of L-cysteine. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(46): 40452–40460
[19] Baowen Wang*, Jun Li, Ning Ding, Daofeng Mei, Haibo Zhao, Chuguang Zheng. Chemical looping combustion of a typical lignite with CaSO4-CuO mixed oxygen carrier. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(12): 13942–13954
[1] Haokai Huang, Kun Wang, Haibo Zhao*. Numerical study of pressure drop and diffusional capture efficiency of several typical noncircular fibers in filtration. Powder Technology, 2016, 292: 232-241
[2] Yongxiang He, Haibo Zhao*. Conservative particle weighting scheme for particle collision in gas-solid flows. International Journal of Multiphase Flows, 2016, 83: 12-26
[3] Hanqing Zhao, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Dynamic Evolution of Compositional Mixing Degree on Feeding Conditions in Two-Component Aggregation. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2016, 101: 10-21
[4] Jinxing Wang, Haibo Zhao*. Evaluation of CaO-decorated Fe2O3/Al2O3 as an oxygen carrier for in-situ Gasification Chemical Looping Combustion of Plastic Wastes. Fuel, 2016, 165: 235-243
[5] Weiwei Peng, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Batch fluidized bed test of SATS-derived CaO/TiO2-Al2O3 sorbent for calcium looping. Fuel, 2016, 170: 226-234
[6] Lei Guo, Haibo Zhao*, Kun Wang, Daofeng Mei, Zhaojun Ma, Chuguang Zheng. Reduction Kinetics of sol-gel Derived CuO/CuAl2O4 Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 123: 745-756
[7] Kun Wang, Xin Tian, Haibo Zhao*. Sulfur behavior in chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling using a copper ore oxygen carrier. Applied Energy, 2016, 166: 84–95
[8] Yongliang Zhang, Xixian Zou, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. A clean coal utilization technology based on coal pyrolysis and chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling: principle and experimental validation. Energy, 2016, 98: 181–189
[9] Jinxing Wang, Haibo Zhao*. Error evaluation on Pyrolysis Kinetics of Sawdust using Iso-conversional method. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 124(3): 1635-1640
[10] Jinxing Wang, Haibo Zhao*. Application of CaO-decorated iron ore for inhibiting chlorobenzene during in-situ gasification chemical looping combustion of plastic waste. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(7): 5999-6008
[11] Bo Jin, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Dynamic exergy method and its application for CO2 compression and purification unit in oxy-combustion power plants. Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 144: 336-345
[12] Baowen Wang, Weishu Wang, Qiang Ma, Jun Lu, Haibo Zhao, Chuguang Zheng. In-depth investigation of chemical looping combustion of a Chinese bituminous coal with CuFe2O4 combined oxygen carrier. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30, 2285−2294
[13] Daofeng Mei, Teresa Mendiara*, Alberto Abad, Luis de Diego, Francisco Garcia-Labiano, Pilar Gayan, Juan Adanez, Haibo Zhao. Manganese minerals as oxygen carriers for chemical looping combustion of coal. Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(22): 6539–6546
[14] Baowen Wang*, Yongmei Cao, Jun Li, Weishu Wang, Haibo Zhao, Chuguang Zheng. Migration and redistribution of sulfur species during chemical looping combustion of coal with CuFe2O4 combined oxygen carrier. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(10): 8499-8510
[1] Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Simultaneous measurement of internal and external properties of nanoparticles in flame based on thermophoresis. Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162(5): 2200-2213
[2] Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Accelerating population balance-Monte Carlo simulation for coagulation dynamics from the Markov jump model, stochastic algorithm and GPU parallel computing. Journal of Computational Physics, 2015, 281: 844-863
[3] Xiaoming Hao, Haibo Zhao*, Zuwei Xu, Chuguang Zheng. Identification of the compensation effect in the characteristic sintering time model for population balances. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2015, 82: 1-12
[4] Kun Wang, Haibo Zhao*. The influence of fiber geometry and orientation angle on its filtration performance. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2015, 49: 75-85
[5] Yonxiang He, Haibo Zhao*, Haoming Wang, Chuguang Zheng. Differentially-weighted direct simulation Monte Carlo for particle collision in gas-solid flows. Particuology, 2015, 21: 135-145
[6] Yongliang Zhang, Haibo Zhao*, Lei Guo, Chuguang Zheng. Decomposition mechanism of Cu-based oxygen carriers for chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling based on density functional theory calculation. Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162: 1265-1274
[7] Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*, Yijie Wei, Chuguang Zheng. Self-assembly template combustion synthesis of a core-shell CuO@TiO2-Al2O3 hierarchical structure as an oxygen carrier for the chemical-looping processes. Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162(8): 3030-3045
[8] Jinxing Wang, Haibo Zhao*. Chemical Looping Dechlorination through Decorated Fe2O3/Al2O3 Oxygen Carrier. Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162: 3503-3515
[9] Weiwei Peng, Zuwei Xu, Cong Luo, Haibo Zhao*. A Tailor-Made Core-Shell CaO/TiO2-Al2O3 Architecture as a High-Capacity and Long-Life CO2 Sorbent. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(13): 8237–8245
[10] Weijin Yang, Haibo Zhao*, Kun Wang, Chuguang Zheng. Synergistic effects of a mixture of iron ore and copper ore as oxygen carriers in chemical-looping combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35: 2811-2818
[11] Daofeng Mei, Alberto Abad, Haibo Zhao*, Juan Adánez. Characterization of a Sol-gel Derived CuO/CuAl2O4 Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) of Gaseous Fuels: Relevance of Gas-Solid and Oxygen Uncoupling Reactions. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 133: 210-219
[12] Jinchen Ma, Haibo Zhao*, Xin Tian, Yijie Wei, Yongliang Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Continuous Operation of Interconnected Fluidized Bed Reactor for Chemical Looping Combustion of CH4 Using Hematite as Oxygen Carrier. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(5): 3257-3267
[13] Jinchen Ma, Haibo Zhao*, Xin Tian, Yijie Wei, Sharmen Rajendran, Yongliang Zhang, Sankar Bhattacharya, Chuguang Zheng. Chemical looping combustion of coal in a 5 kWth interconnected fluidized bed reactor using hematite as oxygen carriers. Applied Energy, 2015, 157: 304-313
[14] Haibo Zhao*, Lei Guo, XixianZou. Chemical-looping auto-thermal reforming of biomass using Cu-based oxygen carrier. Applied Energy, 2015, 157: 408-415
[15] Lei Guo, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Synthesis Gas Generation by Chemical-looping Reforming of Biomass with Natural Copper Ore as Oxygen Carrier. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2015, 6(1): 81-89
[16] Jinxing Wang, Haibo Zhao*. Thermogravimetric analysis of rubber glove pyrolysis by different iso-conversional methods. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2015, 6(4): 527-533
[17] Xin Tian, Haibo Zhao*, Kun Wang, Jinchen Ma, Chuguang Zheng. Performance of Cement Decorated Copper Ore as Oxygen Carrier in Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2015, 41: 210–218
[18] Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*, Jinchen Ma. Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation for Chemical Looping Combustion of Coal in a Dual Circulation Fluidized Bed. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 105: 1–12.
[19] Kun Wang, Haibo Zhao*, Yanfei Fang, Jinchen Ma, Chuguang Zheng. Chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling of different coals using natural copper ore as oxygen carrier. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(10): 6625–6635
[20] Jinxing Wang, Haibo Zhao*. Pyrolysis kinetics of perfusion tube under non-isothermal and isothermal conditions. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 106: 1048-1056
[21] Bo Jin, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Optimization and control for CO2 compression and purification unit in oxy-combustion power plant. Energy, 2015, 83: 416-430
[22] Bo Jin, Haibo Zhao*, Chun Zou*, Chuguang Zheng. Comprehensive investigation of process characteristics for oxy-steam combustion power plants. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 99: 92-101
[23] Bo Jin, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Plantwide control and operating strategy for air separation unit in oxy-combustion power plants. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 106: 782-792
[24] Bo Jin, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Thermoeconomic cost analysis of CO2 compression and purification unit in oxy-combustion power plants. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 106: 53–60
[25] Daofeng Mei, Teresa Mendiara, Alberto Abad*, Luis F. de Diego, Francisco García-Labiano, Pilar Gayán, Juan Adánez, Haibo Zhao. Evalution of manganese minerals for chemical looping combustion. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(10): 6605–6615
[26] Yaojie Tu, Hao Liu*, Sheng Chen, Zhaohui Liu, Haibo Zhao, Chuguang Zheng. Effects of furnace chamber shape on the MILD combustion of natural gas. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 76: 64-75
[27] Yaojie Tu, Hao Liu*, Sheng Chen, Zhaohui Liu, Haibo Zhao, Chuguang Zheng. Numerical study of combustion characteristics for pulverized coal under oxy-MILD operation. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 135: 80-90
[1] Haoming Wang, Haibo Zhao*, Kun Wang, Chuguang Zheng. Simulating and modeling particulate removal processes by elliptical fibers. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2014, 48(2): 207-218
[2] Xu Hongpeng, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Simulation and investigation of periodic deflecting oscillation of gas-solid planar opposed jets. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2014, 76: 6-15
[3] Haibo Zhao*, F. E. Kruis, Chuguang Zheng. Dependence of steady-state compositional mixing degree on feeding condition in two-component aggregation processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(14): 6047-6055
[4] Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Fast Monte Carlo simulation for particle coagulation in population balance. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2014, 74, 11-25
[5] Haibo Zhao*, Kun Wang, Yanfei Fang, Jinchen Ma, Daofeng Mei, Chuguang Zheng. Characterization of Natural Copper Ore as Oxygen Carrier in Chemical-looping with Oxygen Uncoupling of Anthracite. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2014, 22: 154-164
[6] Lei Guo, Haibo Zhao*, Jinchen Ma, Daofeng Mei, Chuguang Zheng. Comparison of Large-Scale Production Methods of Fe2O3/Al2O3 Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2014, 37(7): 1211-1219
[7] Weijin Yang, Haibo Zhao*, Jinchen Ma, Daofeng Mei, Chuguang Zheng. Copper-decorated hematite as oxygen carrier for in situ gasification chemical looping combustion of coal. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28, 3970-3981
[8] Haibo Zhao*, Daofeng Mei, Jinchen Ma, Chuguang Zheng. Comparison of preparation methods for iron-alumina oxygen carrier and its reduction kinetics with hydrogen in chemical looping combustion. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 9(4): 610–622
[9] Daofeng Mei, Alberto Abad, Haibo Zhao*, Juan Adánez, Chuguang Zheng. On a Highly Reactive Fe2O3/Al2O3 Oxygen Carrier for in-situ Gasification Chemical Looping Combustion. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28 (11): 7043–7052
[10] Bo Jin, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Dynamic simulation for mode switching strategy in a conceptual 600MWe oxy-combustion pulverized-coal-fired boiler. Fuel, 2014, 137, 135-144
[11] Bo Jin, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Dynamic modeling and control for pulverized-coal-fired oxy-combustion boiler island. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2014, 30, 97-117
[12] Baowen Wang, Chuchang Gao, Weishu Wang, Haibo Zhao, Chuguang Zheng. Sulfur evolution in chemical looping combustion of coal with MnFe2O4 oxygen carrier. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 2014, 26(5): 1062–1070
[13] Baowen Wang, Gan Xiao, Xiaoyong Song, Haibo Zhao, Chuguang Zheng. Chemical looping combustion of high-sulfur coal with NiFe2O4-combined oxygen carrier. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, 118(3): 1593-1602
[1] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. A population balance-Monte Carlo method for particle coagulation in spatially inhomogeneous systems.Computer & Fluids, 2013, 71 (2013) 196–207
[2] Haoming Wang, Haibo Zhao*, Zhaoli Guo, Yongxiang He, Chuguang Zheng. Lattice Boltzmann method for simulations of gas-particle flows over a backward-facing step. Journal of Computational Physics, 2013, 239: 57-71
[3] Xiaoming Hao, Haibo Zhao*, Zuwei Xu, Chuguang Zheng. Population Balance-Monte Carlo Simulation for Gas-to-Particle Synthesis of Nanoparticles. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2013, 47(10), 1125-1133
[4] Haoming Wang, Haibo Zhao*, Kun Wang, Yongxiang He, Chuguang Zheng. Simulation of filtration process of multi-fiber filter using lattice-Boltzmann two-phase flow model. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2013, 66: 164-178
[5] Daofeng Mei, Haibo Zhao*, Zhaojun Ma, Chuguang Zheng. Using sol-gel derived CuO/CuAl2O4 oxygen carrier in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling for three typical coals. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27 (5): 2723–2731
[6] Baowen Wang*, Haibo Zhao, Ying Zheng, Zhaohui Liu, Rong Yan, Chuguang Zheng. Chemical looping combustion of petroleum coke with CuFe2O4 as oxygen carrier. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2013, 36(9): 1488-1495
[1] Haoming Wang, Haibo Zhao*, Zhaoli Guo, Chuguang Zheng. Numerical Simulation of Particle Capture Process of Fibrous Filters using Lattice Boltzmann Two-phase Flow Model. Powder Technology, 2012, 227: 111–122
[2] Jie Xiong, Haibo Zhao*, Chao Zhang, Chuguang Zheng, Peter B. Luh. Thermoeconomic operation optimization of a coal-fired power plant. Energy, 2012, 42(1): 486-496.
[3] Jie Xiong, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Thermoeconomic Cost Analysis of a 600 MWe Oxy-combustion Pulverized-Coal-Fired Power Plant. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2012, 9: 469–483
[4] Baowen Wang*, Haibo Zhao, Ying Zheng, Zhaohui Liu, Rong Yan, Chuguang Zheng. Chemical looping combustion of a Chinese anthracite with Fe2O3-based and CuO-based oxygen carriers. Fuel Processing Technology, 2012, 96(1):104-115
[1] Haibo Zhao*, F. Einar Kruis, Chuguang Zheng. Monte Carlo simulation for aggregative mixing of nanoparticles in two-component systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(18): 10652-10664
[2] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Two-component Brownian coagulation: Monte Carlo simulation and process characterization. Particuology, 2011, 9(4): 414-423
[3] Jie Xiong, Haibo Zhao*, Meng Chen, Chuguang Zheng. Simulation study of an 800MWe Oxy-combustion pulverized coal-fired power plant. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(5): 2405-2415
[4] Jie Xiong, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Exergy Analysis of a 600 MWe Oxy-combustion Pulverized-Coal-Fired Power Plant. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(8): 3854–3864
[5] Jie Xiong, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Techno-economic evaluation of oxy-combustion coal-fired power plants. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(31): 3333-3345.
[6] Baowen Wang, Rong Yan, Ying Zheng, Haibo Zhao, and Chuguang Zheng. Mechanistic investigation of chemical looping combustion of coal with Fe2O3 oxygen carrier. Fuel, 2011, 90(7): 2359-2366
[7] Baowen Wang, Rong Yan*, DongHo Lee, Ying Zheng, Haibo Zhao, and Chuguang Zheng. Characteriation and evaluation of Fe2O3/Al2O3 oxygen carrier prepared by sol-gel combustion synthesis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2011, 91(1): 105-113
[8] Baowen Wang*, Rong Yan, Haibo Zhao, Ying Zheng, Chuguang Zheng. Investigation of chemical looping combustion of coal with CuFe2O4 oxygen carrier. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25 (7), 3344–3354
[1] Haibo Zhao*, F. Einar Kruis, Chuguang Zheng. A differentially weighted Monte Carlo method for two-component coagulation. Journal of Computational Physics, 2010, 229, 6931-6945
[1] Haibo Zhao*, F. Einar Kruis, and Chuguang Zheng. Reducing Statistical Noise and Extending the Size Spectrum by Applying Weighted Simulation Particles in Monte Carlo Simulation of Coagulation. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2009, 43(8): 781-793
[2] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Correcting the multi-Monte Carlo method for particle coagulation. Powder Technology, 2009, 193: 120-123
[3] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. A new event-driven constant volume method for solution of the time evolution of particle size distribution. Journal of Computational Physics, 2009, 228(5): 1412-1428
[4] Jie Xiong, Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng, Zhaohui Liu, Lingda Zeng, Hao Liu, JianrongQiu. An economic feasibility study of O2/CO2 recycle combustion technology based on existing coal-fired power plants in China. Fuel, 2009, 88(6): 1135-1142
[1] 赵海波*, 郑楚光. 离散系统动力学演变过程的颗粒群平衡模拟. 北京:科学出版社, 2008
[2] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Modeling of gravitational wet scrubbers with electrostatic enhancement. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2008, 31(12): 1824-1837
[3] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. A stochastic simulation for the collection process of fly ashes in single-stage electrostatic precipitators. Fuel, 2008, 87(10-11): 2082-2089
[4] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. The event-driven constant volume method for particle coagulation dynamics. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2008, 51(8): 1255-1271
[5] Haibo Zhao*, Liming Liu, Baowen Wang, Di Xu, Linlin Jiang, Chuguang Zheng. Sol-Gel-Derived NiO/NiAl2O4 Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion by Coal Char. Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22(2): 898-905
[6] Baowen Wang, Rong Yan*, Dong Ho Lee, David Tee Liang, Ying Zheng, Haibo Zhao, Chuguang Zheng. Thermodynamic investigation of carbon deposition and sulfur evolution in chemical looping combustion with syngas. Energy & Fuels, 2008; 22(2); 1012-1020
[1] Haibo Zhao*, Arkadi Maisels*, Themis Matsoukas*, Chuguang Zheng. Analysis of four popular Monte Carlo methods for solution of population balances in dispersed systems. Powder Technology, 2007, 173(1): 38-50
[2] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Monte Carlo solution of wet removal of aerosols by precipitation. Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40(8): 1510-1525
[3] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Monte Carlo simulation for simultaneous particle coagulation and deposition. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2006, 49(2): 222-237
[4] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Stochastic algorithm and numerical simulation for drop scavenging of aerosols. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 2006, 27(10): 1321-1332
[5] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng, Minghou Xu. Multi-Monte Carlo method for coagulation and condensation/evaporation in dispersed systems. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2005, 286(1): 195-208
[6] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng, Minghou Xu. Multi-Monte Carlo approach for general dynamic equation considering simultaneous particle coagulation and breakage. Powder Technology, 2005, 154(2-3): 164-178
[7] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng, Minghou Xu. Multi-Monte Carlo method for particle coagulation: description and validation. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2005,167(2): 1383-1399
[8] Haibo Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng, Minghou Xu. Multi-Monte Carlo Method for general dynamic equation considering particle coagulation. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 2005, 26(7): 953-962
[9] 赵海波*, 郑楚光. 凝并和成核机理下颗粒尺度分布的Monte Carlo求解. 高等学校化学学报, 2005, 26(11): 2086-2089
1. 赵海波,郭磊,马琎晨,张少华. 一种批量制备化学链燃烧氧载体的方法和装置. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201210440827.5
2. 赵海波,张永亮,马琎晨,郑楚光. 一种高效清洁低碳煤分级利用方法及装置. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201310223572.1
3. 赵海波, 马琎晨, 郑楚光. 一种可变循环流化床化学链燃烧装置. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201210475702.6
4. 赵海波,邹希贤,金波,郑楚光. 一种耦合太阳能与化学链空分技术的富氧燃烧系统. 发明专利,专利号: ZL 201410333058.8
5. 赵海波,王金星. 一种低碳处理固体垃圾并抑制二噁英生成的方法. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510256727.0
6. 赵海波,徐祖伟,彭薇薇. 一种核壳结构颗粒材料的制备方法. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510367421.2
7. 赵海波,徐祖伟. 一种火焰气溶胶流速的测量装置和方法。发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510448251.0
8. 赵海波,徐祖伟. 一种适用于动态法测量火焰温度的热电偶及其制造方法. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510316119.4
9. 赵海波,徐祖伟. 一种系统纠正热电偶热惯性漂移的动态测温方法. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 201610859371.4
10. 赵海波,田鑫,王小雨. 一种耦合化学链制氧的原位煤气化化学链燃烧系统. 发明专利,专利号:ZL201710422550.6
11. 赵海波,徐祖伟. 一种无水冷高温气溶胶定量稀释取样探头. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 201810219681.9
12. 赵海波,万建龙. 一种防回火的预混燃烧渐扩燃烧器. 发明专利, 专利号:ZL201710321226.5
13. 赵海波,马琎晨,曾胜庭。一种抗结渣和低NOx的流化床复合床料。发明专利,专利号:ZL201910974558.2
14. 赵海波,袁兴,徐祖伟。一种钙钛矿纳米颗粒催化剂及其制备方法与应用。发明专利,专利号:ZL202011594036.9
15. 赵海波,徐祖伟。一种火焰合成纳米颗粒的系统。发明专利,专利号:ZL202011500476.3
16. 赵海波,徐祖伟,尚诚。一种火焰合成纳米颗粒的燃气配气设备. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 202110087615.2
17. 赵海波,徐祖伟,高富昌。一种SnO2掺杂的NiO纳米颗粒与乙醇传感器的制备方法及产品。发明专利,专利号:ZL 202011525478.8
18. 赵海波,徐祖伟,袁兴。一种多喷嘴喷雾燃烧合成纳米颗粒的系统。发明专利,专利号:ZL 202011587978.4
19. 赵海波,袁兴,徐祖伟。一种喷雾燃烧合成纳米颗粒的系统。发明专利,专利号:ZL 202011560771.8
20. 赵海波,马琎晨,陈曦。耦合脱炭及气氛隔绝的互联通流化床柔性回料装置。发明专利,专利号:ZL 201810536409.3
21. 赵海波,田鑫,马琎晨. 一种不含氧可燃性废气的脱除设备. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 201810536418.2
22. 赵海波,马琎晨,陈曦。一种基于循环流化床的返料脱炭一体化装置。发明专利,专利号:ZL 201810536404.0
23. 赵海波,徐祖伟。一种火焰合成纳米颗粒的燃烧器。发明专利,专利号:ZL 202011494048.4
24. 赵海波,卜恒丰,吴鑫,马琎晨,徐祖伟. 一种免煅烧的复合组分氧载体生产方法及系统. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 202211472348.1
25. 赵海波,田鑫。一种用于反应气氛切换的自动控制气路系统及其应用。发明专利,专利号:ZL 201911039989.6
26. 赵海波,徐祖伟,尚诚。一种用于气相合成纳米材料的供料系统. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 202011369913.2
1. Haibo Zhao, Zuwei Xu. Non-water-colled high temperature aerosol quantitative dilution sampling probe. PCT 16/621,697 (授权公告日:2021年6月16日)
1. 赵海波,马琎晨,郑楚光. 一种可变循环流化床化学链燃烧装置. 实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201220619841.7 (授权公告日:2013年5月22日)公开日期:2013年3月21日,申请号: 201220619841.7, 申请日期: 2012年11月21日
2. 赵海波,邹希贤,金波,郑楚光. 一种耦合太阳能与化学链空分技术的富氧燃烧系统. 实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201420387069.X (授权公告日:2014年12月17日)申请号: 201420387069.X,申请日期:2014年7月14日
3. 赵海波,田鑫,马琎晨. 一种不含氧可燃性废气的脱除设备. 实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201820818882.6 (授权公告日:2018年11月21日)(申请日期:2018年5月30日)
4. 赵海波,马琎晨,陈曦。耦合脱炭及气氛隔绝的互联通流化床柔性回料装置。实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201820818850.6 (授权公告日:2018年11月26日)(申请日期:2018年5月30日)
5. 赵海波,马琎晨,陈曦。一种基于循环流化床的返料脱炭一体化装置。实用新型专利,专利号:201820818821.X (授权公告日:2019年1月17日)(申请日期:2018年5月30日)
6. 赵海波,田鑫。一种用于反应气氛切换的自动控制气路系统。实用新型专利,专利号:201921835961.9 (授权公告日:2020年7月10日)(申请日期:2019年10月29日)
7. 赵海波,苏钊,马琎晨,王亚男,杜寒。一种制备球状复合氧载体的装置。实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 2019 2 2052294.3 (授权公告日:2021年01月19日)
8. 赵海波,徐祖伟,尚诚。一种用于气相合成纳米材料的供料系统. 实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 202022816638.6 (授权公告日:2021年07月20日)(申请日期:2020年11月30日)
9. 赵海波,徐祖伟。一种火焰合成纳米颗粒的燃烧器。实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 202011494048.4.5 (授权公告日:2021年07月21日)(申请日期:2020年12月17日)
10. 赵海波,李梦双,徐祖伟。一种含氯前驱体合成纳米颗粒的制备系统及尾气处理装置。实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 202022966797.4(授权公告日:2021年07月21日)(申请日期:2020年12月10日
11. 赵海波,郑朝和,徐祖伟。一种适用于火焰喷雾热解合成的纳米颗粒高温收集装置. 实用新型专利, 专利号:ZL 202221823050.6(授权公告日:2022年12月02日)(申请日期:2022年7月14日)
1. 赵海波,马琎晨,陈曦。一种基于循环流化床的返料脱炭一体化装置。发明专利,申请号:201810536404.0,申请日期:2018年5月30日。
2. 赵海波,董云昌,王亚男。一种结构紧密的复合材料氧载体的制备方法及产品。发明专利,申请号:201911275914.8,申请日期:2019年12月12日。
3. 赵海波,苏钊,马琎晨。一种球状复合氧载体的制备方法、产品以及装置。发明专利,申请号:201911166386.2,申请日期:2019年11月25日。
4. 赵海波,田鑫。一种用于反应气氛切换的自动控制气路系统及其应用。发明专利,申请号:201911039989.6,申请日期:2019年10月29日。
5. 赵海波,徐祖伟,高富昌。CuO 掺杂的SnO2纳米颗粒与H2S气体传感器的制备方法及产品。发明专利,申请号:202011525485.8,申请日期:2020年12月22日.
6. 赵海波,徐祖伟。一种火焰合成纳米颗粒的燃烧器。发明专利,申请号:202023054779.5,申请日期:2020年12月17日。
7. 赵海波,徐祖伟,尚诚。一种用于气相合成纳米材料的供料系统. 发明专利,申请号:202011369913.2.5,申请日期:2020年11月30日。
8. 赵海波, 徐祖伟, 高富昌. 一种表面负载单原子催化剂及其制备方法。发明专利,申请号:202110485181 .1,申请日期:2021年4月30日。
9. 赵海波, 陈曦. 一种并行固定床化学链燃烧装置的简化设计方法. 发明专利,申请号:202211404264.4,申请日期:2022年11月10日。
10. 赵海波,卜恒丰,吴鑫,马琎晨,徐祖伟. 一种免煅烧的复合组分氧载体生产方法及系统. 发明专利,申请号:202211472348.1,申请日期:2022年11月23日。
11. 赵海波,张田田,袁兴,罗希,翟文旭,马琎晨。一种负载型纳米氧载体的火焰合成原位沉积制备装置。发明专利,申请号:202211255186.6,申请日期:2022年10月13日。
12. 张田田,赵海波,马琎晨,罗希,翟文旭,杨庆华。一种高湿、低热值垃圾负碳排放和清洁热处置的装置及方法。发明专利,申请号:202223019871.7,申请日期:2022年11月14日。
13. 赵海波, 徐祖伟, 龙周禾, 张泽. 一种纳米氧载体颗粒、光反应器及化学链系统. 发明专利,申请号:2023106891028,申请日期:2023年6月09日。
14. 赵海波, 徐祖伟, 龙周禾, 张泽. 一种采用溶液氧载体及液态化学链系统. 发明专利,申请号:2023106814360,申请日期:2023年6月09日。
15. 赵海波,陈鑫荑,李颖. 一种丙烷芳构化反应催化剂及其制备方法和应用. 发明专利,申请号: 2023110774366,申请日期:2023年8月25日。(一种丙烷脱氢-芳构串联反应系统及其催化剂制备方法)
16. 赵海波,郑朝和,马琎晨. 一种氧载体辅助燃烧装置及使用. 发明专利,申请号: 202311023898X,申请日期:2023年8月15日。
17. 赵海波,张雪,马琎晨。一种催化燃烧辅助化学链氧解耦燃烧方法. 发明专利,申请日期:2023年8月15日。
1. Haibo Zhao*. Particles like Monte Carlo game: population balance stochastic modeling and cellular automation probabilistic simulation. The first number-limited Sino-German workshop on Coupling of Modeling and Experiment for Dynamic Processes in Fine Particle Technology (CME-FPT). Invited Presentation, Hangzhou, April 2-6, 2013
2. 赵海波*. 颗粒动力学的群平衡模拟. 中国力学大会离散介质(颗粒/液滴/气泡/纳米)多相流体力学专题研讨会. 特邀报告, 2013年8月19-21日, 西安
3. Haibo Zhao*. Population balance-Monte Carlo for particle dynamics: theory, method and application. International Symposium on Turbulent Particle-Laden Flow and Coal Combustion(2013). Invited Presentation, Wuhan, June 3-7, 2013
4. Jinchen Ma, Haibo Zhao*, Xin Tian, Yijie Wei, Yongliang Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Continuous Operation of Interconnected Fluidized Bed Reactor for Chemical Looping Combustion of CH4 Using Hematite as Oxygen Carriers. 2014 Australia-China Symposium on Energy, Keynote, May 13-15, 2014, Taiyuan, China
5. Haibo Zhao*. Simulating and modeling particulate removal processes by fibers using Lattice-Boltzmann two-phase flow model. 2014 Summer School and International Symposium on Fundamental Issues of Multiphase Flows, Invited Presentation, June 9-16, 2014, Wuhan, China
6. 赵海波*. 煤的化学链燃烧. 中国工程热物理年会燃烧分会, 特邀主题报告, 2014年11月1-3日, 西安
7. Haibo Zhao*. Chemical looping reactor: design, operation and optimization. 8th Australia-China Joint Coordination Group on Clean Coal Technology (JCG), Invited Presentation, February 4-7, 2015, Perth, Australia
8. Haibo Zhao*. Combustion-induced particulate matter/nanoparticles: Diagnosis, mechanisms, removal and utilization. International Symposium on Environmental Multiphase Flow, 2015.5.27-2015.5.30, Wuhan, China
9. 赵海波*. 煤燃烧: 传统和革新. 第一届全国青年燃烧学术会议,大会特邀报告,2015年9月18-20日,上海
10. 赵海波*. 燃烧与颗粒. 2015年“新能源科学与技术”青年学者论坛暨第二届工程热物理青年学术论坛, 特邀报告. 2015年1月15-18日,哈尔滨
11. 赵海波,马琎晨,郑楚光. 化学链燃烧技术的研发进展. 第四届CCUS国际论坛暨第三届CCUS联盟年会, 2017年4月25-27日,北京(Haibo Zhao. Recent progress on chemical looping combustion. 4th International Forum on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS), Beijing, April 25-27, 2017)
12. Haibo Zhao. Population balance modelling of nanoparticle dynamics in flame. UK-China International Particle Technology Forum VI, Keynote, Sep. 8-11, 2017, Yangzhou, China
13. 赵海波。煤的化学链燃烧和高值化。第五届煤化工青年学者论坛. 2018年5月5日,太原
14. 赵海波。宏观模拟框架下气固两相流的多尺度模拟方法。2018年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术年会,2018年10月19日-22日,北京
15. Haibo Zhao. Design, operation and optimization of interconnected fluidized bed reactors for chemical looping combustion of coal. Keynote, The 1st International Conference on Energy and Environment, Sep. 19-22, 2019, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
16. 赵海波. 煤化学链燃烧. 大会报告. 第一届全国化学链会议, 2019年12月4日-7日,广州
17. 赵海波*. 化学链燃烧的优势、劣势、机遇与挑战. 中国工程热物理学会2021年燃烧学会议,大连,大会特邀报告,2022年1月16日
18. Haibo Zhao*, Mingze Su, Chaohe Zheng. Coal Char Conversion in Chemical Looping Combustion: Simulation and Modelling. The 2nd International Conference on Energy and Environment, July 23-25, 2021, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China (Keynote)
19. 赵海波. 华中科技大学CCUS研究进展. 能源绿色转化与碳减排技术论坛,南京,2022年12月10日,特邀报告
20. 赵海波,郑楚光,李鹏飞. 技术进步与创新—CCUS未来发展的重要支撑. 2022中国绿色低碳创新大会,湖州,2022年8月15日,特邀报告
21. Haibo Zhao, Song He. Large eddy simulation-Population balance Monte Carlo (LES-PBMC) for nanoparticle formation and growth in Flame. The International Multiphase Flow Technology Forum — 2023, Haikou, China, 21-23 April, 2023
22. Haibo Zhao. Chemical Looping Combustion: Advantages, Disadvantages, Opportunities and Challenges. China-Japan High-level Expert Symposium on Coal Combustion and Low Carbon Utilization, July 28, 2023, Wuhan
23. Haibo Zhao. Highly dispersed nanoparticles via flame synthesis. UK-China Consortium on Engineering Education & Research (UCEER) Workshop on CO2 Utilisation, October 11 – October 13, 2023, Tianjin University, China
24. 赵海波,郑楚光. 新一代二氧化碳捕集技术研究进展. CCUS技术与绿色低碳发展国际论坛. 北京,2023年9月22-23日
25. 赵海波, 郑楚光. 新一代二氧化碳捕集技术研究进展. 武汉大学“碳中和”前沿交叉研讨会. 武汉,2023年12月27日
26. 徐明厚,于敦喜,刘小伟,赵海波。煤-氨高效清洁燃烧与燃烧中碳捕集的基础研究. 双清论坛:“双碳”目标下能源转化与利用科学问题,北京,2023年11月26-28日
27. 赵海波. 高碳能源低能耗源头碳捕集。2024年工程热物理与能源利用学科优秀青年学者论坛暨学科发展研讨会,杭州,2024年1月12-13日
28. Haibo Zhao. Chemical looping combustion. Keynote Lecture, the Sixtysecond Symposium (Japanese) on Combustion, Osaka, Japan, November 25(Mon.) – 27 (Wed.), 2024
29. 赵海波。纳米颗粒火焰合成模拟. 主旨报告,第四届全国过程模拟与仿真学术会议,2024年11月29日-12月1日,广州
1. Haibo Zhao. Fellow of the Combustion Institute, 2023 (国际燃烧学会Fellow)
2. 2018年度湖北省自然科学一等奖(工程领域唯一一项),化学链碳捕集的多尺度机理和过程定向调控,排名第一
3. 郑楚光, 张军营, 赵海波, 郭欣, 刘晶. 燃烧过程中细微颗粒物生成机制与排放控制原理. 教育部自然科学一等奖, 2008年
4. 徐明厚,于敦喜,赵海波,张军营,柳朝晖. 燃煤可吸入颗粒物(PM10)的形成、排放与控制. 湖北省自然科学二等奖, 2007年
5. 王保文, 赵海波, 张川; 宋小勇; 马强; 郭淑青; 张宝玲; 曹永梅; 李君; 王爱军. 煤燃烧CO2新型零排放关键技术. 河南省科技进步二等奖, 2015年
6. 赵海波, 张田田, 马琎晨, 郑朝和, 王殿常, 吴鑫, 王潘磊, 黎荣超, 邹广生, 李璐璐, 刘先宇, 张雪, 陈曦, 徐祖伟. 源头抑制二噁英的垃圾化学链燃烧负碳技术. 第49届日内瓦国际发明展银奖, 2024年
7. 2018年第37届国际燃烧会议杰出论文奖(the Distinguished paper, Stationary Combustion Systems and Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions主题唯一一项,中国大陆第三次获奖,约1600篇投稿论文中优选13篇),通讯作者
8. 2014年第三届国际化学链会议最佳论文奖(约300篇论文中唯一1篇获奖),通讯作者
9. Haibo Zhao, Ying Li, Jinchen Ma, Xi Chen, Xianyu Liu, Lulu Li. Advantages, Disadvantages, Opportunities and Challenges of Chemical Looping Combustion. 1st Place Best Paper Award, International CCUS Conference 2023
10. 王朝泉,马琎晨,赵海波*. 煤基化学链燃烧过程中硫的演变. 中国工程热物理学会燃烧分会最佳论文奖,2018
11. 吴鑫,董云昌,马琎晨,赵海波*. 挤出滚圆法制备吨级Fe-Cu复合氧载体的化学链燃烧性能评测。中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会优秀论文奖,2023
12. 赵翰卿,徐祖伟,赵海波*. 溶液中纳米TiO2与微米Al2O3颗粒自组装的群平衡模拟. 中国工程热物理学会多相流分会“青年学者优秀论文陈学俊奖”,2018
13. 郑朝和,黄浩凯,赵海波. 两正交圆柱纤维捕集多分散颗粒过程的数值模拟. 中国工程热物理学会多相流分会“青年学者优秀论文陈学俊奖”(通讯作者), 2019.11
14. 赵海波(指导教师:郑楚光教授). 颗粒群平衡模拟的随机模型与燃煤可吸入颗粒物高效脱除的研究. 全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖, 2009年
15. 赵海波(指导教师:郑楚光教授). 颗粒群平衡模拟的随机模型与燃煤可吸入颗粒物高效脱除的研究. 湖北省优秀博士学位论文奖, 2008年
16. 赵海波(指导教师:郑楚光教授). 湍流两相流的速度联合PDF输运方程模型及其数值模拟. 湖北省优秀硕士学位论文奖, 2003年
17. Yanan Wang, Haibo Zhao*, Kunlei Liu. Development of a low-cost oxygen carrier from red mud and fine copper ore for chemical looping combustion of coal. 第一届能源与环境国际会议杰出海报奖(通讯作者), 2019.9 (1st International Conference on Energy and Environment)
18. 郑传宝,苏明泽,赵海波*. 单颗粒模拟辨析煤焦化学链氧解耦燃烧中H2O/CO2气化贡献. 第一届中国化学链会议优秀论文口头报告奖(通讯作者), 2019.12
19. Jinchen. Ma, Du. Han, Haibo. Zhao*. Investigation on iron ore for the oxygen carrier aided combustion. The 2nd International Conference on Energy and Environment, July 23-25, 2021, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China (Poster) 最佳墙报奖
20. Hengfeng Bu, Yunchang Dong, Haibo Zhao*. Low-cost Anti-sintering Binary-ore Oxygen carriers Prepared by the Extrusion-Spheronization Granulation for Long-term Chemical Looping Combustion of Coal. The 2nd International Conference on Energy and Environment, July 23-25, 2021, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China (Oral) 最佳口头报告奖
21. Haibo Zhao*, Xin Tian, Jinchen Ma, Xi Chen, Mingze Su, Chaohe Zheng, Yanan Wang. Chemical looping combustion of coal in China: Comprehensive progress, remaining challenges, and potential opportunities. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34(6): 6696-6734 (Energy & Fuels Top 3% most cited artices in 2020)
22. 陈馨荑,赵海波*. CrOx/Ce1-xZrxO2: 在丙烷化学链氧化脱氢中的表面-载体相互作用. 第二届中国化学链会议优秀论文, 昆明,2023年4月7-9日
23. 黄浩东,马琎晨*,田鑫,赵海波*. 化学链燃烧中HCl对铜基氧载体的影响机制研究. 第二届中国化学链会议优秀口头报告, 昆明,2023年4月7-9日
24. 张泽,徐祖伟,赵海波,刘靖康。热泳效应科普视频,2022年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术年会,科普作品原理展示奖,2023年2月22日
25. 华中科技大学第一届研究生知心导师“赤诚恩师”,2014年
1. 国际燃烧学会会士,2023
2.《Energy & Fuels》“Recent Advances on Chemical Looping in China”专辑客座编辑,2019
3. 《Fuel Processing Technology》“Biomass Thermochemical Utilization and CO2 Capture”专辑客座编辑,2019
4. 《Fuel Processing Technology》“Recent advance on chemical looping technology for fuel conversion”专辑客座编辑,2020
5. 《燃烧科学与技术》编委,2019-
6. 《中国测试》编委(2014-)
7. 《Energy Science and Technology》编委 (2012-)
8. 《建模与仿真》副主编(2013-)
9. 《清洁煤与能源》编委 (2013-)
10. 《Jacobs Journal of Hydrology》编委(2015-)
11. 《Open Chemistry Journal》编委(2017-)
12. 《The Open Chemical Engineering Journal》编委
13. 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学专业委员会青年工作委员会委员
14. 中国工程热物理学会多相流专业委员会委员
15. 国际燃烧学会、美国化学学会、欧洲气溶胶学会、中国空气动力学学会等会员
16. International Conference on Energy(Energy2013)程序委员会主席、4th International Conference on Chemical Looping、5th International Conference on Chemical Looping、6th International Conference on Chemical Looping、6th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling、6th International Conference on CO2 Emission Control and Utilization、7th International Conference on CO2 Emission Control and Utilization、International Conference on Energy(Energy2014)、4th ScienceOne International Conference on Environmental Science、第三届全国青年燃烧学术会议、2017中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会、2017中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会、第四届全国青年燃烧学术会议、第五届全国青年燃烧学术会议程序委员会委员等程序委员会成员(第五届青年燃烧会议“固体燃料燃烧与污染物”主题的程序委员会主席,以及组织第三届和第四届“固体燃料燃烧与污染物”主题的学术论坛)、9th International Sympium on Coal Combustion 论坛共同主席(Colloquium Chairs)
17. International Symposium on Turbulent Particle-Laden Flow and Coal Combustion(2013)、2014 Summer School and International Symposium on Fundamental Issues of Multiphase Flows、第二届全国青年燃烧学术会议等组织委员会成员、第四届全国青年燃烧学术会议组委会执行主席。
Email: hzhao@mail.hust.edu.cn; klinsmannzhb@163.com
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