祝贺博士后徐祖伟的论文Multi-parameter measurements of laminar sooting flames using thermophoretic sampling technique(基于热泳取样技术的层流碳烟火焰多参数测量)被国际燃烧领域顶级期刊Combustion and Flame接收。徐祖伟为第一作者,赵海波老师为通讯作者。
本课题组过去五年内在Combustion and Flame和Proceedings of the Combustion Institute两大燃烧学顶级期刊上共发表10篇论文,主要研究集中在化学链燃烧[1-6]、燃烧合成纳米材料的诊断和可控制备[7-10]等方面。
W. Yang, H. Zhao*, K. Wang, C. Zheng, Synergistic effects of mixtures of iron ores and copper ores as oxygen carriers in chemical-looping combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2015) 2811-2818.
Y. Zhang, H. Zhao*, L. Guo, C. Zheng, Decomposition mechanisms of Cu-based oxygen carriers for chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling based on density functional theory calculations, Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 1265-1274.
Z. Xu, H. Zhao*, Y. Wei, C. Zheng, Self-assembly template combustion synthesis of a core–shell CuO@TiO2–Al2O3 hierarchical structure as an oxygen carrier for the chemical-looping processes, Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3030-3045.
H. Zhao*, Y. Zhang, Y. Wei, J. Gui, Understanding CuO-support interaction in Cu-based oxygen carriers at a microcosmic level, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 4069-4077.
X. Tian, K. Wang, H. Zhao*, M. Su, Chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling of high-sulfur coal using copper ore as oxygen carrier, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 3381-3388.
J. Wang, H. Zhao*, Chemical looping dechlorination through adsorbent-decorated Fe2O3/Al2O3 oxygen carriers, Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3503-3515.
Z. Xu, H. Zhao*, Simultaneous measurement of internal and external properties of nanoparticles in flame based on thermophoresis, Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 2200-2213.
Z. Xu, X. Tian, H. Zhao*, Tailor-making thermocouple junction for flame temperature measurement via dynamic transient method, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 4443-4451.
Z. Xu, H. Zhao, H. Zhao*, CFD-population balance Monte Carlo simulation and numerical optimization for flame synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 1099-1108.
Z. Xu, H. Zhao*, X. Chen, C. Lou, Multi-parameter measurements of laminar sooting flames using thermophoretic sampling technique, Combustion and Flame (2017), in press.



