

[1] Song He, Cheng Shang, Hao Lu, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Large eddy simulation-bivariate sectional model for non-spherical TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis in flame. Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 285: 119592

[2] Song He, Zhijing Su, Cheng Shang, Hao Lu, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Two-step simulation combining large eddy simulation and population balance Monte Carlo for nanoparticle synthesis in flame spray pyrolysis. AIChE Journal, 2024, e18498

[3] Zuwei Xu, Ze Zhang, Fuchang Gao, Yunhan Zhu, Haibo Zhao*. Flame made low Pt loading catalysts supported on different metal oxides for catalytic combustion of CO and CH4. Energy Materials, 2024, 4: 400076

[4] Chenyang Shen, Menghui Liu, Song He, Haibo Zhao*, Changjun Liu*. Advances in the studies of the supported ruthenium catalysts for CO2 methanation. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2024, 63: 1-15

[5] Jinchen Ma, Haodong Huang, Chaohe Zheng, Zhanggen Huang, Jingjing Ma, Guorong Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Identification of HCl corrosion mechanism on Cu-based oxygen carriers in chemical looping combustion. Fuel, 2024, 359: 130373

[6] Panlei Wang, Hengfeng Bu, Xianyu Liu, Ying Li, Chaohe Zheng, Jinchen Ma*, Haibo Zhao*. Inexpensive composite copper ore/red mud oxygen carrier: industrial granulation via hydroforming and multiple-cycle evaluation in chemical looping combustion. Fuel, 2024, 365: 131271

[7] Xi Chen, Haibo Zhao*. A phenomenological design method of the parallel packed bed reactors for chemical looping combustion of gas fuels. Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 292: 119988

[8] Xianyu Liu, Hengfeng Bu, Guangsheng Zou, Xin Wu, Chaohe Zheng, Jinchen Ma*, Haibo Zhao*. Industrial-scale preparation of bi-ore oxygen carriers for chemical looping combustion via a hydroforming method. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38(7): 6156–6170

[9] Kai Xiong, Cao Kuang, Qiang Tang, Wenzhi Wang, Xiangbo Zou, Chuangting Chen, Hui Huang, Chaohe Zheng*, Yunchang Dong, Jie Cheng, Haibo Zhao*. Long-Term Performance of Composite Cu-Fe Ore Oxygen Carrier by Extrusion-Spheronization in Chemical Looping Combustion. Fuel, 2024, 373: 132260

[10] Xin Tian, Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*. Kinetics Investigation of Copper Ore Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion. Fire, 2024, 7: 245

[11] Xi Chen, Rongchao Li, Ye Tao, Yongqi Tong, Ao LI, Haibo Zhao*. Engineering Design and Numerical Design for Chemical Looping Combustion Reactor: A Review. Energy Reviews, 2024, 3: 100100

[12] Rongchao Li, Xi Chen*, Haibo Zhao*. Dynamic modeling of Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion in Packed Bed Reactor. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38(14): 13131−13139

[13] Ze Zhang, Zuwei Xu*, Fei Xie, Xiangbo Zou, Haibo Zhao*. Preferential oxidation of CO in H2-rich gas via chemical looping combustion with Ce-doped CuO oxygen carriers. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40: 105572

[14] Ying Li, Chaohe Zheng*, Lixin Qiu, Weibin Lai, Haibo Zhao*. Utilizing selective hydrogen combustion catalyst for efficient and highly-selective ethane dehydrogenation. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40: 105486

[15] Xianyu Liu, Zhenshan Li, Laihong Shen, Jinchen Ma, Xinhe Liu, Diwen He, Haibo Zhao*. Quantitative evaluation of four oxygen carriers for natural gas chemical looping combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40: 105641

[16] Xin Wu, Xianyu Liu, Guangsheng Zou, Jinchen Ma*, Cao Kuang, Haibo Zhao*. Design a Novel Ca-Mn Perovskite Oxygen Carrier with Balanced Performance in Chemical Looping Combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40: 105645

[17] Lecan Huang, Jinchen Ma*, Fan Wang, Guorong Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Design of alkali metal oxide adsorbent for direct air capture: Identification of physicochemical adsorption and analysis of regeneration mechanism. Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 2024, 13: 100268

[18] Chaohe Zheng, Haibo Zhao*. Mechanism study on quantification of sulfurization effect on methane decomposition with CuO oxygen carrier. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 497: 154856

[19] Panlei Wang, Chaohe Zheng, Ying Li, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao*. Exploring the regulation mechanism of Ca/Fe-based oxygen carrier in biomass chemical looping gasification. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 498: 155488

[20] Xi Chen, Haibo Zhao*. A self-consistent design method of the autothermal dual circulating fluidized bed reactor for in-situ gasification chemical looping combustion of coal. Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 2024, 13: 100292

[21] Ye Tao, Xi Chen*, Haibo Zhao*. Order-reduced Simulation and Operational Regulation of a 10 MWth Autothermal Reactor for CH4-fueled Chemical Looping Combustion. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 499: 156314

[22] Xi Chen, Haibo Zhao*. Numerical design in a two-step joint design process of parallel packed bed reactors for CLC of MSW-generated syngas. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 499: 156463

[23] Jinchen Ma, Yingjie Mi, Fan Wang, Chaohe Zheng, Haodong Huang, Haibo Zhao*. Ca- and Ba-decorated CuO oxygen carriers for in-situ dechlorination in chemical looping combustion. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38(19): 18898−18908

[24] Chaohe Zheng, Mingze Su, Haibo Zhao*. First principles–based multiscale kinetics of CuO oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38(22): 22459−22470

[25] Haibo Zhao*. 2024 Pioneers in Energy Research: Juan Adánez. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38(21): 21666−21671

[26] 王潘磊, 徐祖伟, 赵海波*. 生物质化学链气化制富氢合成气的研究. 工程热物理学报, 2024, 45(12): 3953-3961.







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